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U.S. Certified Master Trainer, John Mitaly having fun with a trainee. John is hard charging individual in both the practical usages and growth as a professional and as a practitioner. Always ready!

U.S. Certified Master Handler Caleb Bonner and K9 Papi take a break to provide a picture. Caleb and Papi are an exceptional team with strong success and a great drive for training and helping other K9 teams.

U.S. Certified Master Handler John Murphy and K9 Koa. John has worked K9 for many years. Retired from Law Enforcement, John dedicates his experience and expertise to Human Remains Detection. He is recently credited with the discovery of human remains leading to the arrest of murder suspects.

Certified HRD Trainer Michel Galliot (US) has been involved in over 300+ deployments for missing persons and victims of crime. Working multiple dogs, his success, ability, and knowledge have solved so many cases and provided a source of investigation or closure for so many families.

Certified Trainer, Matt Haymaker and K9 Odin. Matt is a highly intelligent individual who has been instrumental in the assistance and education of a large number of K9 students, for a multitude of disciplines. Matt is the kind of guy who will operate on little rest, day after day, to train his dog(s), despite even his supervisors ordering him to stop. His own time, his own funds, his own will. This is the type of guy most agency's dream of in a K9 handler.

U.S. Certified Trainer, Jason Berthelette and K9 Aspen pose for a picture. Jason is hard charging individual in both the practical usages and sciences of canine. An intelligent guy with a very keen sense of self awareness.

Germany: Certified Master Trainer Hans Siegal and K9 Maxx take a break from training and learning during an ASCT conference in Denmark.

U.S. Certified Senior Master Handler Will Janicki and K9 Victor. Will is a strong K9 operator with confidence and intelligence. A highly functional team that many administrations would love possess.

France: Certified Interpol Adjuncts (names purposely withheld) demonstrating a fast response apprehension to ASCT for human trafficking interdiction. Live, the muzzle is off the K9.

France: Certified Interpol Adjunct (name purposely withheld) wraps up a live human-trafficking raid in a North African Nation.

U.S. Certified handler Derek Broetje & K9 Xerxes. An explosives team director, Derek has a strong accountability and great professional leadership principals.

U.S. Certified Handler
Troy Kechely and K9 Daisy.
An explosives detection team, Troy and Daisy work hard to continue to build and maintain proficiency, while working with other K9 units and maintaining a path of public safety service. Troy is also an engineer and a writer.

U.S. Certified Trainer Larry Blake at a tactical apprehension training event. Larry is one of the most intelligent and capable experts of breeding and complete imprintation for pups and young dogs.

Zambia: Certified Handler's Joyce and Gift from North Luangwa Conservation Project, showing both that women are exceptional trackers and tracks can be followed through the dangerous African rivers.

Zambia: The exceptional, Certified Senior Master Handler Samuel Nguni and K9 Vicka preparing for a track with curious bystanders observing.

Tanzania: Certified handlers working a poaching interdiction search on bus tops.

Zambia: Certified handlers from the Frankfort Zoological Society (FZS), NLCP anti-poaching unit.

U.S. Derek Dyk and K9 Ivan. Derek is the consummate professional who works with exceptional dedication to his K9 acumen and abilities. He is a guy we all want in our corner when a situation arises.

Africa: Certified South African Master Trainer, Benjamin Van Zyl preparing units for a dangerous live operation.

One of the absolute best tracking units in the world! African anti-poaching unit from Grumeti.

Teamwork with United Kingdom, Certified Master Handlers Will Westin and Nick Bonny.

Norwegian Senior Master Handler Erik Hansen moving in tactical exercise.

U.S. Certified Instructor Doug Fisher. Doug is a calm, thoughtful guy who is simply always reliable and efficiently near perfection for anything requiring reasoning. His status within the organization is always highest levels and he also just happens to be a legal prodigy.

U.S. Certified Public Trainer and Archaeological Detection Team. Hannah Decker, an up and coming superstar from Carroll College, MT.

U.S. Certified Trainer Jeremy Frye and K9 Mav. Jeremy is one of the most accountable members of ASCT. A guy who truly cares.

Sweden: Brilliant, Senior Master Handler, Anna Brirshe and K9 Tac.

U.S. Certified Service Dog Trainer Rebecca Stuart-Hendrickson applying her expertise to a group of service teams. Many lives have changed because of her service and dedication.

U.S. Trainer, Sgt. Slater refuses to leave K9 Odin while being treated for life threatening infection. He recovered, likely in part to his handler's devotion.

U.S. K9 Newt tightening discovery at Karin Wagemann's, Nine Realms K9, Spokane, WA.

Certified Instructor, Finland, Commander Perry Gangler with the infamous K9 Gordon.

Australia: Federal Police and Certified Handler(s) Molly King and Kerrick Pratts
with K9 Boomy

Worldwide: An Interpol, Master Handler, operative shows himself during a training maneuver. The K9 is very well concealed and not yet responding to the handler's movement. K9 is vested in camo/in bushes to the right-rear side of handler. .

U.S. End of Watch. ASCT Trainer Gil Datan. Honorary member forever.

U.S. Montana. K9 specialists, Rachelle Timmer and K9 Molly. Certified Trainer Timmer is a service K9 trainer and one of the top developers in the nation.

In Honor: Richard Dodson passed away February 27. 2019. Like a brother, he was the ASCT accountant since 2003 and the primary catalysts for the ASCT educational support program.

U.S. Certified team, Tres Lucite and K9 Odin drilling control and release.

U.S. Certified Trainer
Marsha Tonkinson, Arizona.
She's a highly dedicated professional who lives for dogs and service.

World Wide. Our very own Alexandra Lund (legal) from Sweden. An Interpol advisor, lawyer, and just an amazing human being.

U.S. Therapy dogs serve a gigantic altruism link with human populations.
At On Command training center in VA, a group is in training with Becky Hendrickson.

South America, Certified paleontology detection, Senior Master Handler, Luisa Morato and K9 Lem on a 2-week exploration for ancient human remains.

Chile: Certified Handlers, Alexandro Pienne and Rigo Muneza grab K9 Taz and jump into a patrol unit during a jump track training exercise.

Sopporo, Japan: Certified handlers, taking a break from certification testing in 2019 conference.

Sapporo, Japan: Handlers visited a veterinary clinic for emergency trauma care instructions, during the advanced training. Many thanks to the Pyongwa clinic and staff for welcoming to visitors.

U.S. K9 Odin (Retired) Coos County, Oregon. And his handler Certified Trainer Adam Slater had over 100+ suspect tracking captures the highest direct capture ratio for criminal tracking than anyone in the United States.

As left: Certified Trainer, Sgt. Adam Slater with K9 Odin in a training event.

U.S. Certified Senior Master Handler, David Cole and his wonderful dog (Retired) K9 Jackson. Dave and Jackson had an incredible career together with excellent ratios and assistance to the community. Dave now has a new canine and can be found in another slide on this page.

U.S. Certified Master Trainer, Chief of Police, Wade Marvin.
Wade was responsible for both enormous seizures and many arrests in tracking apprehension. A highly accountable member of ASCT with a long history of success and experience.

U.S. Certified Trainer
Annie Gray. Annie is a highly educated and active trainer of multiple disciplines.

U.S. Master Trainer, Cpl. Kevin Kinard with K9. Kevin earned a reputation as a keen tracking trainer with much success in live deployments and an overall impressive K9 application.

U.S. Senior Master Handler Ross Hantz and K9 Dixie posing for a picture

U.S. Senior Master Handler Doug Lieurance wrapping up a track.

U.S. Tom Hendricksons' K9 Buckshot, Hampton VA. is an example of a highly successful working police dog who also is certified as therapy service.

Denmark. SSgt. Adrien Fanzter, giving oxytocin to K9 Elgin after a capture.

U.S. Therapy in action. From Becky Hendrickson, Oncommand Training, Hampton VA.

The coveted service patch.

U.S. Butte, MT. Certified Senior Master Handler, Steve Honers' K9 Blue making a high alert to a ceiling hide.

U.S. K9 Miles working high searches with SMH Lieurance monitoring safety.

U.S. Montana teams showing that snow and cold are still fun working times for a dedicated trainer and well developed K9.

U.S. Senior Master Handler Tracy Senenfelder and K9 Kuno working trucks. Photo by Troy Kechely

U.S./Zambia, Certified Trainer Molly Mckinney with K9 Tesla, trained by Molly for the North Luangwa Conservation Project (NLCP) Zambia. Tesla is an anti-poaching K9 who has had massive success in Zambia with many arrest to his credit.

U.S. Senior Master Handler David Cole and K9 Jackson. Dave is a hard working handler who refuses to pass a call for service.

U.S. Certified Senior Master Handler Cynthia Bales and Human Remains Detection K9 Ecko. Cynthia has been continually dedicated to HRD for an abundance of years.

South Africa/Zambia,
1 in a million:
Certified Instructor
Benjamin Van Zyl, Bennie is one of the most accountable members of ASCT. Ability is extraordinarily keen and he is beyond dedicated to K9.

U.S. Certified Master Trainer Human Remains: Marguerite Matter. She has been a member for 20 years and has worked multiple dogs. She and K9 Lena are one of the best HRD units; a person who will give up much of herself to simply help other handlers.

Africa: Lucas Nyakanyenge.
Highly educated. Not a dog handler but his knowledge of K9 and training is beyond impressive. Lucas is the ASCT interpreter for Swahili speaking members. His ability to interpret precise science information is bewildering.

Russ Simpson. The nicest K9-friendly guy ever to exists, and spend time with. Died in line of duty. Missed greatly.

U.S. One and only Luna playing with Trainer John Mitaly. John serves law enforcement well but his ultimately keen talent is dog-in-hand.

U.S. Certified Master Instructor (Ret.) Bob Hood on rescue. Bob is a perfect example of an individual who fell into K9 with zero experience but love and passion grew to an exceptional level of talent and accountability.

September 11, 2011 N.Y.
How fitting that certified accelerant handler Will Poleson, would be the rescuer of a dog in distress who thanks him.

U.S. Certified Senior Master Handler, Randy Thuman - highly coveted interdiction, one of the best in the United States.

ASCT Instructor (Ret.) Professor Tom Brownlee with his buddy Rommel. Brownlee is proof that intelligence is the difference between average and exceptional.

U.S. K9 Odin demonstrations are an integral part of the Coos County OR community. 100+ captures is the other part.

U.S. Certified Senior Master Handler Mark Birdsong Hampton Police, VA working a water source.

U.S. Keith Hicks. A special handler who shows us over and over how hardships in life are overcome with dedication and love.

International Zambia: Jessica Folkertsen is a very engaging and professional individual who puts forth a tremendous amount of energy in both professional training, as well as, community involvement of canine welfare, training, and the symbiotic relations between human and canine.
A great soul.

Isreal, Certified Master Trainer, Amit Ableson with Peja ready for training in long range operational strategy.

Isreal, Amit Abelson (same guy as left picture) with K9 Daxyn. Amit is a clear example of an individual who has multiple dogs for same operations and chooses the K9 based on variable factors but always makes the precise decision.

Argentina, Certified Instructor Leo Castillo, and K9 Charlie starting a track. Leo operates and certifies units across the South American continent for all disciplines. With a strong military background and educated in government resources, he is prominent in assisting with program establishment.

South Africa:
Certified Trainer, Johan
Heydenrych is a high charging professional who has experience in a multiple dog, multiple discipline development.

U.S. Certified Trainer
Bridget Bloesch. Bridget is one of the most intelligent members of the organization. Her heart for K9 is just as expounding.
In addition to training for multiple working disciplines, Bridget also heads a California rescue program and rehabs those dogs who need a place to call home and a place to call work.

U.S. Certified Senior Master Handler, Raymond Davis and K9 Mako. A highly passionate guy, Raymond has worked three dogs and has an enormous heart for helping others, as well as a fire to succeed in deployment.

U.S. Jackson Lee Riley
Lee and K9 Hydro are a dynamic team of Go-Getters. With dedication to mutual assistance and performance, Lee has become a solid statue of K9 within his own and surrounding community.

U.S. Certified Master Trainer, John Mitaly, pictured with
K9 Luna.
John has become one of the most developed trainers and is highly skilled, knowledgeable, and educated professional.

United Kingdom: Master Handler, Donny Blaire and
K9 Rec stop for a pose during class. Don and Rec have been credited with over 50+ criminal track apprehensions, as well as, an original founder of K9's for Kids in which children are presented as jr. handlers by documentation of partner working dogs.

France: Senior Master Handler, Rachel Roam and one of her partner Malinois'. Rachel is a Dr. of Zoology and a professor of zoological genetics. Mostly, she's an expert at everything she does.

Australia/NZ, Certification Board Member, Senior Master Instructor, Branden Coops overseeing his units in a training exercise. Brandon has graduate degrees in psychology and international operations. He is also called upon for international police human trafficking profiling.

U.S. Certified Trainer Molly McKinney's K9 Brux, downrange focus for apprehension.

Tanzania. Anti-Poaching Interdiction units, Master Handler's Masaba Peter and Myunga Paul work a detection problem.

International Certification Director Anna Palmerus, Sweden

U.S. Certification Director Michael West.

U.S. Certified Administrator,
Lt. Jason Covington and K9 Arno in a parade. Jason survived a shooting encounter, taking shots that nearly took his and Arno's life. Suspect was also injured and subdued.

Anti-Poaching Interdiction, Handler Gisonte posting for next search vehicle with K9 Radar.

A special gift to humans, the canine species and their innate ability to help our lives. From OnCommand training, Hampton, VA.

Gil Datan (left), one of the funniest humans, and exceptional trackers, to exist in the U.S., and Instructor (ret.) Bob Hood (right) from moons ago. Gil died in the line of duty and is memorialized in Washington, DC.

ASCT President, Chris Aycock